

The unencumbered heart is able to express freely, clear and true, and in harmony with intent, provides clarity for forgotten people, places, and things once dismissed for fitting nowhere with the idea we have of ourselves.   But they are ours still to understand and accept, and when we do, they take their place where they belong in our lives.  Not threatening nor menacing as they once may have seemed, they reemerge simply to be taken into account, to be understood at last.

~~~~~~ Truth is Beauty is Love ~~~~~~

It was the summer of 1957…

Two Little Girls by Charon Dianehttp://booklocker.com/books/4718.html


https://barnesandnoble.com/w/two-little-girls-charon-                                              diane/1022157163?ean=9781609101374

https://www.amazon.com/s?                                                                          k=two+little+girls+charon+diane&ref=nb_sb_noss_2

What’s the Matter?

Might it be associated with the fact that people are feeling inadequate due to the relentless exposure to other people everywhere?  It’s not natural.  We are not physically capable of having that level of exposure.  It can only happen electronically.

For heaven’s sake, wasn’t it enough being concerned with how you compare to the next person in the room, at a party, on the beach?  Now we have people anywhere in the world to consider!

Recently, I took a day reacting only to people I could actually see in my physical proximity.  I checked in to voice mail a couple of times throughout the day, but the joy was in deciding when that would happen.  What a break!

Have a beautiful day!